Easy Cheesy Muffins

  • Makes 6 muffins

  • Preparation 5 mins

  • Cooking 25 mins

Easy Cheesy Muffins
  • Nut-Free


  • 300g self raising flour
  • 2 tsp medium curry powder
  • 100 ml olive oil
  • 200g cherry tomoatoes, finely chopped
  • 100g mature Cheddar vegetarian cheese, finely grated
  • 250 ml full fat milk or soya milk
  • 2 medium free-range eggs, lightly beaten


  1. Heat oven to gas mark 5 / 190°C.
  2. Sieve the flour and curry powder into a large bowl.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients and stir well.
  4. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes.
  5. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes then remove and place on a cooling rack.
Nutrition per serving
  • Calories

    441.1 kcal

  • Protein


  • Fat


  • Saturates


  • Carbs


  • Sugar


  • Salt


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