Rather than get someone stocking fillers (like yet another pair of socks) this Christmas, you could gift a food box to a family who really needs one instead! By donating £12 – about the cost of a pack of socks – to the Vegetarian Society’s “Gift A Box, Not Socks!” Christmas appeal, you will ensure one more food box reaches families and children in the New Year. Donate today at www.vegsoc.org/GiftABox
Lance Bell, Head of Campaigns and Engagement at the Vegetarian Society, said: “We first started helping families with our food boxes last year. Initially in response to the pandemic, the project has now put over 100,000 meals onto the tables of people who really need them. Donna in the North East received one of our food boxes from her son’s primary school, allowing them to cook the meals together after school. They gave our Tomato and Green Lentil Ragu a 10/10!”
The national charity, the Vegetarian Society, launched the scheme back in March 2020 in response to the impact of Covid-19 and rising food poverty. This Christmas, the Vegetarian Society is raising funds to deliver even more food boxes to children and families living in poverty in the New Year.
The Vegetarian Society is a charity and the place to go for everything you want to know about the world of vegetarian food. Other work the Vegetarian Society does includes National Vegetarian Week (16 to 22 May 2022).
Notes to editors
- For media enquiries please contact Su Taylor at the Vegetarian Society on su@vegsoc.org.
- Each box contains the ingredients and recipes for two nutritious, filling, vegan dishes, which provide people with eight servings of food. With many people losing their jobs or being paid less, the amount of people needing to use food banks has increased dramatically. The Vegetarian Society is helping to tackle this problem by sending out food boxes.
- These food boxes will be distributed to schools in the New Year in receipt of free school meals or at schools in deprived areas across the country.
- The boxes are distributed to anyone and everyone who needs them, not just vegetarians and vegans
- An incredible 100,000 meals have been distributed to people across the UK, with the landmark 100,000th meal going to a food bank in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.