It’s always important to look after ourselves but now more than ever! Supermarket staff are working round the clock to ensure there’s food for everyone but we might not be getting all the same ingredients we’re used to. It’s a stressful time for everyone and one of the best ways we can deal with this is by making sure we’re exercising and getting all the vitamins and minerals our body needs. So we thought we would feature a selection of products licensed to carry our Vegetarian Society Approved vegetarian and vegan trademarks that will help get you through coming weeks as well as where you can buy them online.
We Are Feel’s ‘Feel Multivitamin’
Licensed to display the Vegetarian Society Approved vegan trademark
This multivitamin is a perfect solution to the current situation, not only is it vegan and free from any plastic packaging, it’s also posted directly from them, so you can relax and wait for it to come through your letter box. The formula contains 33 vitamins and minerals. It works as a subscription service so you pay £11.95 a month and you get 60 capsules, two a day for 30 days. There’s no contract or commitment, you can pause or cancel at any time.
Order Feel Multivitamin using code ‘VEGSOC’ for 50% off your first box
BR Pharmaceuticals’ Valupak Energy Release Vitamin B + C
Licensed to display the Vegetarian Society Approved vegetarian trademark
A healthy vegetarian and/or vegan diet provides us with plenty of vitamin B and C but, if you’re not managing to get enough, these tablets are a great way of staying topped up. The body does not store vitamin C so it’s important to make sure you get some every day.
Order Valupak Energy Release Vitamin B + C
SunVit-D3’s Vegan Range of Supplements
Licensed to display the Vegetarian Society Approved vegan trademark
Vitamin D is something we normally get from the sun, that’s why the NHS recommend people living in the UK should take a supplement between October and May. The SunVit-D3 plant-based range contains a vegan source of vitamin D3, which can be hard to get hold of. D3 contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, teeth and muscle function.
Order SunVit-D3’s Vegan Range of Supplements
G & G Vitamin’s Digesta Zymes
Licensed to display the Vegetarian Society Approved vegan trademark
If you’re feeling stressed you might find your body’s digestion is not working as regularly as normal. Digesta Zymes contain a blend of natural ingredients to help support digestion and absorption of nutrients from food.