Many of us will become carers throughout our lives, which can be rewarding but also physically and mentally demanding. For young carers especially, having to juggle school and friends with caring responsibilities can be isolating and stressful. Many young carers find it hard to put themselves first.
This is where you can help.
Donate today to fund a community cookery class for young carers. We want to give young carers the practical skills that will benefit them in their caring role. A cookery class will give them the chance to have some fun cooking delicious veggie and vegan meals while being able to spend some time away from their responsibilities.
£540 will fund a cookery class for a group of young carers. We can’t do this without your generous support.
The last young carers group we worked with talked about how fantastic the day was and that they wanted to come back to the Vegetarian Society Cookery School.
30 January 2020 is Young Carers Awareness Day, give back to those children and young people who go above and beyond for other people.
Please add ‘young carers’ to the donation form in the Additional Information section. Thank you.
If not enough funds are raised to deliver a full class, we will seek the balance from alternative funders. If surplus donations remain after a full class has been delivered, these will go to funding a similar class for another community group at our discretion.