We have an amazing offer — attend any of our cookery classes in March and leave with a fabulous free gift!
Need some help deciding? Here are some of our favourite classes taking place over the next few weeks:
The Mexican Veggie
Vegetarian Mexican cooking is a consistently rewarding journey of flavours combining grains, pulses, spices and vegetables. With comforting aromas and tastes no matter which dish you try, there is so much to offer.
With a heavy Central American and Spanish influence, beans and corn feature frequently in a cuisine perfectly suited to vegan adaptations. Come and harness these flavours in our kitchen and take them home to yours.
The Tofu Guru
While tofu is commonplace in stir-fries and curries, did you know there is an array of other uses that often fly under the radar? With The Tofu Guru we’re here to show you just how far tofu can take you!
The Spanish Veggie
With a range of striking, bold flavours often originating from a rich history, the stunning yet simple delivery of Spanish food is adored the world over. Our eclectic workshop shows you how to recreate vegetarian tapas, so you too can share the food you love.
The Vegan Cheese Guru
Who says vegan cheese can’t be amazing? Not us! And neither will you with this tasty cookery experience. You’ll learn how to make soft cheeses, hard cheeses and even vegan cheese that melts!
We have lots of other classes taking place in March too, so you’re bound to find the one for you!