Last year your views shaped our response to the first stage of the government’s National Food Strategy consultation. By responding in your thousands, you put issues such as meat-consumption, sustainability and the environment at the top of the agenda – thank you!
The Vegetarian Society wants your voice to be heard every step of the way. Make sure you’re a part of the crucial debates and decisions to come by registering on the National Food Strategy website.
Here is what’s happened so far and what you can do next:
August 2019: The government launches the National Food Strategy consultation, the first in 75 years.
September 2019: Over 2,500 people take part in the Vegetarian Society’s survey on what a future food system could look like.
October 2019: Your views shape our statement to the government. Many of you also submit your own statement to the government, giving a greater voice to vegetarians and vegans.
January 2020: Meat-consumption, sustainability and the environment identified as key issues for the consultation. The general public are invited register their interest in future meetings and debates.
Spring 2020: Interim report and recommendations due to be published. Members of the public will be invited to be part of a ‘national conversation’ on food.
Further ahead: A citizens’ assembly is due to debate and agree recommendations that will make the final National Food Strategy document. A government white paper will follow.
If you are invited to take part in a National Food Strategy consultation or citizens’ assembly, we’d love to hear your story. Let us know by emailing